Further Reading
Frequently Asked Questions with Answers
Short movie about the Desaparecidos [QuickTime, 2MB]
by Richard Culatta, Brigham Young University
Selected Articles
- Interpreting Victim Testimony / Karen Slawner
- The Desaparecido and State Terrorism / Analia Penchaszadeh
Related Web Pages
(note: some are old references to pages that are no longer found)
- Wikipedia: Desaparecidos
- Wikipedia: Dirty War
- Wikipedia: Operation Condor
- Uki Goñi (new site)
- derechos.org: Human Rights in Argentina / Margarita Lacabe (Mainly Spanish)
- desaparecidos.org: Disappeared in Argentina / Margarita Lacabe (Mainly Spanish)
- Nunca Más The full CONADEP report (Spanish)
- Sin Olvido Lists and photos of disappeared (CELS Based, Spanish)
- H.I.J.O.S Madrid (Spanish)
- Mothers of Plaza de Mayo (Spanish)
- Mansión Seré a site named after one of the clandestine detention centers operating in the Buenos Aires province under Air Force command and providing extensive information about it (Spanish)
More Related Links
- An open letter to Gen. Martin Balza by Adolfo Perez Esquivel (Spanish)
- A lexicon of Terror / European Journal of International Law
- The Siderman Case
- Scilingo Story no. 2 - in CNN
- Night of the pencils, The Tech, MIT
- The Bloody Legacy of the US Army School of the Americas / W. E. Gutman
- School of the Americas Watch
- Pagina 12
- Missing Uruguayans by Milton Romani (Spanish)
- Marcelo Brodsky's Buena Memoria (Spanish)
- Marcelo Brodsky's Good Memory (New York Exhibit)
- Azucena Villaflor, a 20 años del secuestro (La Nación, Spanish)
- Miguel Corsi about Mariel (Spanish)
- The silence of the bishops / Uki Goñi
- Pinto's Pro-Nazi Parish Priest / Uki Goñi
- Memory and forgetting (20 years after) / Alberto Manguel
- The case of Argentina (nationalistic, authoritarian & militaristic contents in Argentina's educational system) by: Carlos Escudé
- La educación patriotica (spanish) by: Carlos Escudé
- Contenido nacionalista de la enseñanza de la geografía en la República Argentina, 1879-1986 (spanish) by: Carlos Escudé
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