The Vanished Gallery ( Frequently Asked Questions with Answers ------------------------------------------------------ The following are the most common questions we use to get by email. We apologize for not being able to respond to these personally, the volume is just too big for us to handle and still lead a normal life. Q1: Dear Vanished, I'm [interested in | conducting research on | have an assignment on ...] this subject. Could you email me more Information ? Thank you so much for visiting the Vanished Gallery, and for your interest in the subject. We generally try to put everything we can online. However it would be impossible (and illegal due to copyright restrictions) to publish everything that's available on the subject of the desaparecidos on the web. Also, our time and resources are limited, since this is a purely voluntary effort. May we kindly suggest: 1) Please try to look at all the material before asking for more. A few of the requests we get (although yours may not be the case) are for material that's already available online. 2) Try the table of contents and the search engine, you may type a keyword and get all the matches on the Vanished Gallery. 3) Look at the Bibliography section. Although it may not be as convenient as getting data directly while you're online, it may be the most effective way to get to more comprehensive material. Now in association with Amazon Books, TVG allows you to buy books on the subject directly via the net and have them shipped to you. If you're serious about learning more about the subject of the desaparecidos, there's no better way than reading these books. The bibliography section of The Vanished Gallery contains references to the most important books on the subject, including the official report of the national commission on the disappeared. 4) Wait for some time. The Vanished Gallery has grown from one page to about 100 pages of information in less than a year. We get emails almost every week, a few of them being significant contributions, so there's some chance that what you're looking for will be available sometime in the future. Last but not least. Please contribute. Rather than asking for material, send us some. The Vanished Gallery could not have been made possible without kind contributions of people from all over the world. The marvellous thing about contributions is that while they are made only once, they can be used and reused by an infinite number of people looking for information later. We look forward to adding your name to the Vanished Gallery acknowledgments page... Thanks! --- Q2: Dear vanished, I'm looking for a person who disappeared in the 70's ... Do you have more data about him/her ? There were many disappearance cases that were never officially reported and on top of that, the data published on the Vanished Gallery is very partial even compared to official lists. Almost everything we have is published subject to copyright and resource limitations. If you cannot find any data about a certain person even after using the search facility: We're afraid we cannot help. We wish the whole 50,000 pages of testimonies compiled by CONADEP would have been converted to electronic form and put on the net by the Argentine government but given the fact they are doing everything they can to make the subject go away and be forgotten this is a farfetched hope. You can help getting closer to this goal by sending me what you know to complete the information. Remember that most of the material on TVG was contributed by readers like you. Note that the Vanished Gallery is limited to Argentina and to the 70's and early 80's. Covering the rest of Latin America, or other periods in history, or the general subject of human right abuses all over the world is a project of huge proportions and is outside the scope of TVG. --- Q3: I would like to read the site but I don't know english Why don't you translate everything to spanish ? The parts that are in Spanish were not written by us. They were contributed by readers like you. We don't know spanish well enough to translate all pages However we would gladly add translated pages if you email your translations to along with the relevant URL that's translated. --- Q4: I've visited the site and I want to help. How could one become involved in this program? What can a person contribute to this need? The most poular requests from visitors are: 1) Add more names and more stories i.e. information about disappeared people, names, dates, photos etc. 2) Translations of existing pages from English to other languages, mainly Spanish. If you can help on any of the above, please email plain text (no Microsoft Word or other proprietary formats please!) to ''. We cannot promise immediate publishing since we are busy people, but we would try to make valuable contributed material available on the site as we find time. Thanks. Q5: I would like to use material from the site for my own project... With the exception of a few pages (in which copyright is explicitly attributed to others) you may freely use any material from the site. The licence you may use is the Creative Commons license ( "Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA"
The attribution should be to: "The Vanished Gallery"
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