The Responsible
One of the saddest points of the story is that very few of the abductors, torturers, and killers have been brought to a court of law, even fewer were indicted, and even those who were indicted and sentenced for long periods in jail, were released long before completing their sentences due to military pressure.
Moreover: for every General or Admiral brought to trial there are thousands of petty officers and low ranking military men who took part in the atrocities. Most of them are still living among us, with impunity, as if nothing at all has happened.
The Responsible
Junta members, top officers, ministers
Repressors, adbuctors, torturers
Repressors cited in Italian court case
Uprisings against the democratic government
The Falklands War
Secret Detention Centers
General Information
Living Conditions
Map (57K)
Where Are They Today?
Antonio Bussi wins Tucuman governor race
The Promotion of Alfredo Astiz
Jorge Acosta / Ministry of the Interior
The wonderful life of Alfredo Astiz
The 2003 arrest of Former general Guillermo Suarez Mason
The Voices of a Guilty Concience
Argentina: Waves from the past
Sgt. Victor Ibanez's Testimonial
Another torturer reveals horrors
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