More Disappeared Persons
Aguirre, Juan Carlos My name is Liana Aguirre, I'm the daughter of a desaparecido He was killed on June 12, 1976. His name was JUAN CARLOS AGUIRRE, born on 10/11/1944 in Goya, province of Corrientes. I would like to know whatever you know about him or that you may find in your archives. You should know how important any information you could provide would be for me and my brothers. Many Thanks, [Liana Aguirre, by email, June 9, 2004.] Juan Carlos Aguirre appears in the CELS list but unfortunately, no further information is available here.
Arrazola, Juan Carlos While looking for the name of my brother in the various lists published on the net, I figured that his name is missing or perhaps, I just couldn't find it. Juan Carlos Arrazola is my brother who was abducted in La Plata in January, 1977. Despite our Habeas Corpus writs and numerous attempts to locate Juan Carlos, our quest hasn't bore any fruit till this day. Juan Carlos was born on May 22nd, 1954 in the province of Rio Negro. I wish he could be added to your list as we won't rest until we know what exactly happened to him. Thanks. [Delia Arrazola, via email, Jan 23, 2000]
Baamonde, Miguel Angel Disappeared on November 26, 1976, in Avellaneda, as he was leaving the factory where he worked. Baamonde, Clara Catuegno Miguel Angel's wife. Disappeared between June 25 and July 17, 1978 in Avellaneda. Baamonde, Martin Miguel Angel's and Clara Catuegno's son. Disappeared at the same time of his mother, reappeared many years later, with the family of his maternal aunt. (These are all the details I can provide you with at this moment) [George Singer, via email, Mar 28, 1996]
Belaustegui-Herrera, Valeria, José & Martín I am Rafael Belaustegui, father of three disappeared children: Valeria, José and Martín Belaustegui Herrera. Their mother Matilde Herrera died in 1993. Martin was kidnapped by paramilitary forces on July 26 1976, together with his wife Cristina. Valeria and her husband were kidnapped on may 13 1977, and José and his wife Electra were kidnapped on may 30 l977. At the time of the disappearances, Valeria was 24, José was 22, and Martín was 19 years old. Thus, my whole family was destroyed. There is a book written by Matilde, my former wife, entitled "JOSE" were this terrible story can be found. Editorial Contrapunto 1987. José was in the Atlético detention center, Valeria in Campo de Mayo, where we were informed she delivered a baby before she was killed. About Martin we don't have any information, save from a General who told us that Martín "had taken a long trip". Two of my son and daugther's children are survivors. Tania (22 today) Valeria's daugther , and Antonio (23 today) José's son. This is all I know about my disappeared children and I would very much appreciate if you can provide further information. [Rafael Belaustegui, via email, May 31, 1998]
Bellouard, Marcelo Eggers Marcelo Eggers Bellouard, Mi hermano por parte de mi madre no figura en las listas: Nació el 21 de abril de 1955 en Palermo, cap.fed. Desapareció en el 78 junto a su esposa Susana Ursi Cuando desapareció tenia 23 años y estudiaba Psicología en la Univ. del Museo Social de la Av. Corrientes y Callao. [Luis F.González Stegemann, via email, Sept 2001]
Brzostowski, Miguel Jacobo 22 years ago today, on October 25, 1976, my brother, Miguel Jacobo Brzostowski, was picked up around the corner of Canning and Corrientes Avenue, during the late afternoon. He was 27 years old, and left a wife and a 21-months daughter waiting. What was his crime? Since the military did not conduct hearings, trials or informed relatives of the charges, we can only conclude that he was disappeared because he was a Trade-Union militant (sindicalista) and he wanted to improve this world -you know, these things everybody talks about: no more hunger, misery; more education, employment, justice and dignity! My parents and other relatives went to all the possible police and government offices -never to have a single word of information. My sister-in-law's sister had her husband disappeared. So much for those who said that there were isolated cases... Thank you for your page, [Guillermo Brzostowski, via email, Oct 1998]
Canelli, María Esther Infesta Estimados Sres, Les agradecería me hicieran llegar cualquier tipo de info que pudieran tener acerca de mi tía, María Esther Infesta Canelli, desaparecida el 25/02/78. Este es mi primer intento por obtener alguna info, ya que no estaba listo para saber. No pude ver nada de ella en su página. Gracias [Juan Luis Guerci, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept 2001, via email]
Goldenberg, Carlos Andres Vinas, Maria Adelaida Goldenberg, Liliana Ines Vinas, Lorenzo Ismael I want to thank you for your website. I have many family members who are dissapeared (both of my parents, for starters) and I was really touched to see them all on the farenheit list (since many of them are not named on other lists). I hope people write to you about my parents so that I can find out more about them. I'll keep checking your website. My dissapeared family members are: - Carlos Andres Goldenberg (father) - Maria Adelaida Vinas (mother, married to Carlos Andres Goldenberg) - Liliana Ines Goldenberg (aunt, sister of Carlos Andres Goldenberg) - Lorenzo Ismael Vinas (uncle, brother of Maria Adelaida Vinas) Thank you for existing and helping to fill the void, [Ines Kuperschmit, via email, Aug 3, 2000]
Gonzalez, Sergio Around May 25, 1976, Sergio Gonzalez, an 18 years old serving in the Army in Córdoba, was detained by his superiors. His family questions and searches never managed to obtain any results or generate any leads. No one has seen Sergio in any detention center. Neither a group of soldiers who served with Sergio some of whom were detained in La Ribera, confessed of seeing him. He was studying History in the National University of Córdoba, and was a wonderful person, creative, intelligent... His nephews who are my children never came to know him. [Alejandra Conti, via email, Dec 29, 1997]
Hartum Marcelo My dear friend MARCELO HARTUM was a conscript in 1978. He was stationed at the ADA 601 in Camet, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, when he became another dissapeared person. It was after repeated attempts by his family to learn anything at all about his whereabouts, that the military issued a statement declaring Marcelo had been sent to Patagonia (en destierro) due to having been found guilty of presumed subversive acts against his superiors and the Argentine Army. [From:, via email, Aug 17, 1995]
Kreplak Pedro (Father of a disappeared 16 year's old) "Mi nombre: pedro kreplak me raptaron a un hijo de 16 años de mi casa el 8/7/77 a media noche bajo el pretexto que el hermano mayor de 18 años al que ellos en realidad buscaban lo hicieron hablar por telefono para decir que si el hermano mayor no se entregaba lo hiban a matar a el -- lo que en realidad hicieron." Translated: "My name is Pedro Kreplak. They kidnapped my 16 years old son on the night of July 8th, 1997 under the pretext that They were actually looking for my older 18 years old son. They made the younger tell us on the phone that if the older son wouldn't turn himself in, they will kill the younger, which they eventually did." [Pedro Kreplak, via email, Jul 25, 1997]
Luccioni, Rodolfo ("Fito") Disappeared on Sept, 25 1976 from La Lucila, Buenos Aires 19 years old at the time of disappearance. Fito was tortured at his parents house and taken away. A year after his disappearance, and as a consequence of the trauma and torture she suffered herself, Fito's mother, Nelly, became parallized, and never recovered. She died 13 years after the disappearance of her son. [Ricardo Antuna, via email, Nov 18, 1996]
Malozowski, Hugo On May 14, 1979 they took you from your home and since then we didn't hear anything of you... You were 19, as every day you remain in our memory. Leonor Altschuler de Liebermann [14 May 1999, via email]
Martínez, Carlos Alberto My brother, Carlos Alberto Martínez, was kidnapped in daylight in front of his residence in the city of Rosario, Argentina, in 1977. He was a visiting doctor. Carlos Alberto was married and had two little children. We never heard anything of him despite our efforts to find out. If anyone knows anything, please helps us. Stella Maris Martínez Cañada de gómez Argentina [Stella Maris Martínez, via email, Jan 25, 2000]
Pargas Carlos Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos , Argentina 9 de Febrero, 2005 El dia 15 de febrero serán trasladados a Gualeguaychú los restos de Carlos Pargas, desaparecido en el año 1976 y que fuera identificado en el año 2004 por el Equipo Argentino de Antropologia Forense como uno de los asesinados por el Terrorismo de Estado en el episodio conocido como MASACRE DE FATIMA . CARLOS PARGAS fue secuestrado el día 12 de julio de 1976 por fuerzas represivas de la dictadura Militar en su lugar de trabajo Sucursal Carlos Pellegrini del Banco de la Nación Argentina . Estuvo detenido ilegalmente en la Superintendencia de Seguridad Federal dependiente de la Policía Federal Argentina para ser trasladado -luego- junto a otros 30 jóvenes a la Localidad de Fátima -Partido de Pilar Provincia de Buenos Aires, lugar donde fueron brutalmente asesinados en la noche del día 19 y madrugada del 20 de agosto del año 1976. Sus cuerpos fueron encontrados con mordazas, maniatados con un disparo en la cabeza y dinamitados. Estos hechos fueron establecidos en una causa a cargo del Juez Canicova Corral. Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Municipalidad de Gualeguaychú , vecinos, amigos y compañeros de Carlos Pargas constituyeron una Comisión a fin de rendirle un homenaje y en su lugar de descanso establecer un espacio destinado a mantener viva la memoria de los muertos y detenidos desaparecidos de Gualeguaychú, víctimas de la Dictadura Militar del año 1976. SE INVITA A ACOMPAÑAR A LOS FAMILIARES EL PROXIMO 15 DE FEBRERO. Los actos programados son los siguientes: día 15 de Febrero del 2005 10 y 30 hs. lugar: Rotonda de la Terminal (acceso Sur) recibimiento de sus restos y acompañamiento hasta el Cementerio local. - 11 hs lugar: Cementerio de Gualeguaychú, inhumación en el ESPACIO DE LA MEMORIA - Palabras de Familiares, compañeros y amigos de Carlos Pargas. You may read more on the 'Fatima Massacre' Here. [Elisa Maradey, via email, Feb 9, 2005]
Pasatir, Celia Flora I noted that the name CELIA FLORA PASATIR, who disappeared on April 5th, 1976 together with her husband Gaston Robles, is missing from your lists. She was my mother. Could you please add her name? thanks. [Gabriel Reig, Venezuela, via email, Jan 30, 1997]
Szir, Pablo Bernardo. Father of Claudia, Sandra, Alejandra, and Mariana. Disappeared on 30-10-1976. From "Nunca Mas" we know that he has been held in the Detention Center "Sheraton" (Province of Buenos Aires.) [Wilbert Vink, The Netherlands, via email, Oct 28, 1996]
Vidal, Maria Teresa. My sister, Maria Teresa Vidal, disappeared in the city of Rosario, Argentina, in August of 1973 and she's not on your list. [Agustin R.Vidal Valls, via email, Feb 15, 1997]
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