Alberto Santiago Burnichon
español italiano
"At 12:30 am on March 24th, 1976, our house in Villa Rivera Indarte in Cordoba was broken into by men in uniform carrying rifles. They identified themselves as belonging to the Army, and were accompanied by a number of youths in casual dress. They trained their guns on us while they stole books, objets d'art, bottles of wine, etc., which the uniformed men carried outside. They did not talk to each other, but communicated by snapping their fingers. The looting of our house lasted for over two hours; before the raid there had been a blackout in all the neighboring streets. My husband, a trade union official, my son, David, and myself were abducted. I was freed the next day. My son was freed some time later, after being held in the La Ribera camp. Our house was completely destroyed. My husband body was found later with seven bullet wounds in the throat."
[File no. 3860. Alberto Santiago Burnichon disappearance.
Testimonial given by his wife: Maria Saleme.]
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