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- The Flight: Confessions of an Argentine Dirty Warrior
Authors: Horacio Verbitsky, Esther Allen (Translator)
Overview: The famous series of confessions by Navy Captain Adolfo Scilingo about him and his colleagues throwing political prisioners alive into the Atlantic from navy planes during the "dirty war".- Children of Cain: violence and the violent in Latin America
- Author: Tina Rosenberg
Published: New York : Wm. Morrow, c1991.
Description: 394 p. ; 25 cm.
ISBN: 0688084656
Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 389-394).
TVG Notes: Tina Rosenberg is a Pulitzer Prize winner, Scholar, and Freelance Writer. Children of Cain tells Six stories on the violence that shaped the history of Six Latin American Countries. Part two: "The Good Sailor" covers Argentina, the repression era, Alfredo Astiz, the ESMA, Acosta, and Massera. It is the best summary I've ever read on the subject. Based on many interviews with participants on both sides: victims and repressors, plus an excellent historical perspective. Superb. If you need just one source to really understand the subject, this is it.
- The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Peron's Argentina
by Uki Goñi
It has long been known that Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele, Erich Priebke, and many other war criminals found refuge in Argentina. Now, for the first time, a courageous Argentine journalist shows exactly how it was done. This riveting book is the first to map the precise details of the smuggling of Nazis into Argentina, an operation organized with the enthusiastic support of Peron's presidential palace. Using previously unseen archival sources, The Real Odessa covers a wide geography -- Scandinavia, Switzerland, Italy -- and proves the complicity of the Vatican and the Argentine Catholic Church in one of the great postwar scandals. This is a factual, historical version of the events fictionalized in Frederick Forsyth's best-selling novel The Odessa File.- Nunca Mas (Never Again), English Edition   [Paperback]   [Hardcover]   [Spanish paperback]
- Author: Argentina's National Commission on Disappeared People.
Published: London; Boston: Faber and Faber in association with Index on Censorship, 1986.
Description: xvi, 463 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 0571138330, 0571138497 (pbk.)
Also published by: Farrar Straus Giroux, New York. ISBN 0374223505.
TVG Notes: English translation of Nunca mas. Includes index. The official report of the Argentine National Commission on the Disappeared (CONADEP). The authoritative source on the events based on the 50,000 pages of original testimonies given before the commission, with a Prologue by the chair of the commission, Ernesto Sabato. Includes an introduction by Ronald Dworkin.
Subjects: Terrorism -- Argentina. Missing persons -- Argentina. Political persecution -- Argentina.
Other titles: Never again.
- The Little School: Tales of disappearance & survival in Argentina [Paperback]
- Author: Partnoy, Alicia, 1955-
Translated from Spanish by Alicia Partnoy
with Lois Athey and Sandra Braunstein.
Illustrated by Raquel Partnoy.
Edition: 1st edition.
Published: Pittsburgh, PA : Cleis Press, c1986.
Description: 136 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
ISBN: 0939416085 0939416077 (pbk.)
TVG Notes: Alicia's personal account on her abduction, detention and torture
in a secret detention center ironically referred to as The Little School.
Interestingly, "The Little School" (La Escuelita) was the name of no less
than four (Located in Bahia Blanca, Famailla, Neuqen, and San Antonio) of the 360 secret detention centers that were active during the repression. has Alicia's official account
now published online (in Spanish.)
Subjects: Political prisoners -- Argentina -- Case studies. Disappeared persons -- Argentina -- Case studies.
- A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture (Oxford World's Classics)
- by Marguerite Feitlowitz, AUGUST 1990
In A Lexicon of Terror, Marguerite Feitlowitz fully exposes the nightmare of sadism, paranoia, and deception the military dictatorship unleashed on the Argentine people during the Dirty War, a nightmare that would claim over 30,000 civilians from 1976 to 1983. Feitlowitz explores the perversion of language under state terrorism, both as it's used to conceal and confuse and to domesticate torture and murder. Based on six years of research and moving interviews with peasants, intellectuals, activists, and bystanders, A Lexicon of Terror examines the full impact of this catastrophic period from its inception to the present, in which former torturers, having been pardoned and released from prison, live side by side with those they tortured. Passionately written and impossible to put down, A Lexicon of Terror shows us both the horror of the war and the heroism of those who resisted and survived.- Incomplete Transition: Military Power and Democracy in Argentina
- Author: J. Patrice McSherry
Published: St Martins Press, April 1, 1997
Description and table of contents
- Prisoner without a name, cell without a number
- Author: Timerman, Jacobo, 1923-1999
Original (Spanish) Title: Preso sin nombre, celda sin numero.
Translated from Spanish by Toby Talbot.
Edition: 1st ed.
Published: New York : Knopf : distributed by Random House, 1981.
Description: viii, 164 p. ; 22 cm.
LC Call No.: HV9582 .T5513 1981
ISBN: 0394514483 (out of print),
0679720480 (Reissue, vintage books, Oct 1988)
Subjects: Timerman, Jacobo, -- 1923-1999 Political prisoners -- Argentina -- Biography. Jews -- Argentina -- Biography. Journalists -- Argentina -- Biography.
TVG Notes: The personal account of the journalist Jacobo Timerman, of the newspaper La Opinion on being adbducted, detained, tortured and finally released.- The Disappeared and the Mothers of the Plaza
- Authors: Simpson, John, 1944- and Bennett, Jana.
Published: New York, N.Y. : St. Martin's Press, 1985.
ISBN: 0312212291
Subjects: Terrorism -- Argentina. Disappeared persons -- Argentina.
- Divine Violence:
Spectacle, Psychosexuality, and Radical Christianity in the Argentine Dirty War- Author: Frank Graziano
Published: Book News, Inc. Portland, OR. 1992
Notes: A fascinating account of political repression in Argentina, this book takes as its thematic locus the intersection of religion, violence, and psychosexuality as they relate to the desire for power and to the myths and rituals manifesting that desire. Graziano's inquiry into the source of political violence is culturally grounded, focusing on psychological, historical, anthropological, and religious phenomena--often dismissed as "insignificant peculiarities" in traditional investigations. The author traces the messianic mythology ratifying the Junta's "dirty war" to the medieval Christian paradigm on which it is based, providing a historical and ideological context for understanding contemporary perceptions of torture and execution as necessary, holy acts.
More notes: Complex: definitely not for the lay reader
- Revolutionizing motherhood: the mothers of the Plaza de Mayo   [hardcover]
- Author: Bouvard, Marguerite Guzman, 1937-
Published: Wilmington, Del. : Scholarly Resources Inc., 1994.
Description: 278 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Series: Latin American silhouettes
ISBN: 0842024867 (alk. paper), 0842024875 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. [261]-267) and index.
Subjects: Madres de Plaza de Mayo (Association) Disappeared persons -- Argentina. Human rights -- Argentina. Political persecution -- Argentina.
- Military Rebellion in Argentina: Between Coups and Consolidation
- Author: Deborah L. Norden
Published: University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London. 1996
Description: 242 p. (paperback, alk. paper)
Subjects:1) Argentina -- Politics and Government 1983-.
ISBN: 0-8032-8369-5
2) Civil-military relations -- Argentina -- History -- 20th Century.
3) Argentina -- Armed forces -- Political Activity -- History -- 20th Century.
4) Conspiracies -- Argentina -- History -- 20th Century.
5) Morale
TVG Notes: A thorough research of the root causes of the 4 uprisings against the democratic government. A lot of historical insight. Several interviews with military personnel.
- Argentina, 1516-1987: from Spanish colonization to Alfonsín
- Author: Rock, David, 1945-
Edition: Rev. and expanded ed.
Published: Berkeley : University of California Press, 1987.
Description: xxx, 511 p., [32] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 23 cm.
ISBN: 0520061780 (alk. paper)
TVG Notes: Revised edition of: Argentina, 1516-1982. c1985 (ISBN 0520051890).
General classic text book on Argentine history, its politics, economy, society, military conflicts, and more. Includes bibliographical references (p. 453-487) and index.
Subjects: Argentina -- History.
Other authors: Rock, David, 1945- Argentina, 1516-1982.
- Argentina's Mothers of Plaza de Mayo: the Mourning Process from Junta to Democracy
- Author: Nora Femenia
Published: Feminist Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 1987.
- Authoritarian Argentina: the Nationalist movement, its history, and its impact.
- Author: Rock, David, 1945-
Published: Berkeley : University of California Press, c1993.
Description: xxiii, 320 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN: 0520079205 (alk. paper)
Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 291-307) and index.
Subjects: Nationalism -- Argentina -- History -- 20th century. Argentina -- Politics and government -- 1910-1943, 1943-1955, 1955-1983.
- Cantos de vida, amor y libertad
- English Title: Selection of poems of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo.
Authors: Madres de Plaza de Mayo (Association)
Published: Oxford [Oxfordshire] : 'Busqueda', 1983.
Description: 84 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 0950906506 (pbk.)
Notes: Translation of selections from: Cantos de vida, amor y libertad, v. 1-2.
Subjects: Argentine poetry -- 20th century -- Translations into English. Argentine poetry -- Women authors -- Translations into English. Disappeared persons -- Argentina -- Poetry.
- Circles of Love over Death: Testimonies of the Mothers of the Plaza De Mayo
- Author: Matilde Mellibovsky
Translated by: Matthew Proser
ISBN: 1880684381
Notes: Matilde Mellibovsky's interviews with the Madres in CIRCLE OF LOVE OVER DEATH reveals the courage of the Madres in confronting the dictatorship in Argentina, demanding information on their "disappeared" children. The book not only describes the personal anguish of the families over the torture, deaths or "disappearance" of their children, but also shows how the women gave emotional support to each other and the way in which since 1976 they slowly but surely organized and built an international movement.
- Circles of madness: Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo
- Original (Spanish) Title: Circulos de locura: Madres de la Plaza de Mayo
Photographs by: Alicia d'Amico and Alicia Sanguinetti Poems by: Marjorie Agosin
Translated by: Celeste Kostopulos-Cooperman. Published: Fredonia, N.Y. : White Pine Press, c1992.
Description: [98] p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 1877727172
Notes: Poems in Spanish and English parallel text.
Subjects: Argentine poetry -- 20th century -- Translations into English. Argentine poetry -- Women authors. Disappeared persons -- Argentina -- Poetry. Human rights -- Argentina -- Poetry.
- Dossier Secreto: Argentina's Desaparecidos and the Myth of the 'Dirty War'
- Author: Martin Edwin Andersen
Published: Westview Press (5500 Central Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80301-2877), [April 1993]
- Adolescentes detenidos, desaparecidos.
- Published: Buenos Aires, Argentina : Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), [1982]
Description: 22 p. ; 22 cm.
LC Call No.: HV6762.A7 A36 1982
Subjects: Disappeared persons -- Argentina. Missing children -- Argentina.
Notes: Adolescents who disappered.
Control No.: 84205244 //r90
- Anexos del Informe de la Comision Nacional sobre la Desaparicion de Personas.
(Annexes to the Report of the National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons.)
- Author: Comision Nacional sobre la Desaparicion de Personas (Argentina)
Published: Buenos Aires : Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires, 1984. 2nd edition.
Description: 485, 140, 15 p. ; 15 x 22 cm.
Subjects: Missing persons--Argentina--Registers. Political prisoners Argentina--Registers. Prisons--Argentina--Registers.
Contents: (3 Annexes: containing 3 lists)Anexo 1. Listado de personas desaparecidas por apellido paterno
Language: Spanish
Anexo 2. Personas vistas en lugares de detencion
Anexo 3. Listado de centros clandestinos de detencion.
ISBN: 9502301129
Socrates data:Bay Area Library Location: Green Library Stacks (Stanford?) HV6742.A7C6
Suppl. Item CSUG85-B34104 (Books) AHG3466 (NOTIS)
- Conscriptos detenidos, desaparecidos
- Published: Buenos Aires, Argentina : Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), [1982]
Description: 18 p. ; 22 cm.
LC Call No.: HV6762.A7 C66 1982
Subjects: Disappeared persons -- Argentina. -- Registers. Detention of persons -- Argentina.
Notes: List of Conscripts who disappeared
- La Historia Oficial (The Official Story)
- An Argentine movie about the disappeared
Won an Academy Award (Oscar) for best foreign language film in 1985.
Directed by Luis Puenzo, Produced by Marcelo Pineyro.
Starring: Héctor Alterio & Norma Aleandro
Available on video. Spanish with english subtitles (click above).
NTSC, Rated [R], running time 112 min.
- Los Niños desaparecidos
- Published: Buenos Aires, Argentina: Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), [1982]
Description: 21 p. ; 22 cm.
LC Call No.: HV6762.A7 N56 1982
Subjects: Disappeared persons -- Argentina. Missing children -- Argentina. Children of women prisoners -- Argentina.
Notes: Children who disappeared, some forcefully adopted by military families.
Control No.: 84205231 //r90
- National Identity in Times of Crises: the Scripts of the Falklands War
- Author: Nora Femenia
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, New York
Notes: Establishing a connection between the hurting conscience of Argentina military officers and the decision to invade the Falklands in order to improve their and their country image.
- Nunca Mas (Spanish edition)
- Author: Argentina. Comision Nacional sobre la Desaparicion de Personas (CONADEP).
Title: Nunca mas: informe de la Comision Nacional sobre la Desaparicion de Personas.
Published: [Buenos Aires] : EUDEBA, c1984.
Description: 490 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
ISBN: 9502301110
Subjects: Terrorism -- Argentina. Disappeared persons -- Argentina.
- Settling Accounts
- Author: Carina Perelli.
- The "disappeared" of Argentina
- Author: Amnesty International.
Contents: list of cases reported to Amnesty International, March 1976-February 1979.
Published: London : Amnesty International, 1979.
Description: [5], 99 p. ; 30 cm.
ISBN: NA (pbk.)
Notes: Cover title. "AI index: AMR 13/35/79"
Control No.: 80500940 //r892
- Testimonio sobre el centro clandestino de detención de la Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada Argentina, (ESMA).
- Published: [Buenos Aires] : Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), [1984]
Description: 101 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Subjects: Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada Argentina. Terrorism -- Argentina. Disappeared persons -- Argentina.
Notes: Testimony on the most notorious of the secret detention centers:
The Navy Mechanics School (ESMA).
Control No.: 85121078 //r90
- More books about the desaparecidos (brief descriptions)
- Books about the Falklands War
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