The Alps in Switzerland are high,
but not nearly as high as the garbage heap
in my grandfather's yard, when I was 5.
[Chaim Nachman Bialik, per Meir Shalev]
The Vanished Gallery
(Argentina Desaparecidos Project)On Software Usability
On Software Testing
Unix programming / classic algorithms, more...
Quest for the perfect programming language
Data driven personal finance, investing, ETF visualization...
Machine learning with vowpal wabbit: a gentle introduction
Machine learning debugging for better modelsOld SGI stuff (freeware/sniff)
Notes on building freeware for SGI IRIX
Got Spam? Not from us!Beatles DB visualizations with D3.js
bitFormation Consulting
Mixsome: polymer clay wonders
Meganak's world of comics
Gaia, Ori, Ben, Julie